
7025 N 57th Ave

Glendale, AZ 85301

(623) 352-7977

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peoria az chinese cupping


 Cupping involves mild suction, drawing up the skin and superficial muscle layer, which in turn releases tension and stagnation. It is the suction that creates those signature markings often seen on athletes who enjoy the benefits of this fast-acting therapy. 

Markings are normal to have for up to ten days after your treatment, and are a positive sign that your body is responding and reacting as intended. Patients usually leave feeling exceptionally relaxed, bright eyed, and blissful. 


Call Evergreen East Asian Medicine today and schedule an appointment with our front desk manager  (623) 352-7977


What to Expect From Cupping Treatments

Cupping is a traditional Chinese and East Asian medicine treatment that involves the use of cups to create suction on the skin. The cups are typically made of glass, plastic, or silicone and are applied to the skin using heat or a hand pump to create suction. Cupping is thought to stimulate the flow of qi (pronounced “chee”), the vital energy that is believed to flow through the body in Chinese medicine.

Cupping is often used to treat a variety of health conditions, including muscle pain, respiratory disorders, and digestive issues, to name a few. It is also believed to help improve circulation and reduce inflammation.

Cupping treatments are considered safe when performed by a qualified and experienced practitioner. After a cupping treatment there may be bruise-like marks left where the cups were placed although they do not hurt when you press them. These side effects are typically mild and should resolve within a few days. If you are considering cupping treatment, it is important to speak with a qualified healthcare provider to determine if it is appropriate for you.

Benefits of Cupping Treatments

According to traditional Chinese and East Asian medicine, cupping treatment, if it is determined to be right for you by the practitioner, is believed to have a number of potential benefits, including:

PainRelief: Cuppingisthoughttohelprelievepainbyimproving circulation and reducing inflammation.

Improving Circulation: Cuppingisbelievedtohelpimprove circulation by increasing blood flow to the treated area.

Reducing Muscle Tension: Cuppingisthoughttohelpreduce muscle tension and soreness by loosening tight muscles and increasing flexibility.

Reducing Stress and Anxiety: Cuppingisbelievedtohavea calming effect on the mind and body and may be helpful in reducing stress and anxiety.

If you are considering cupping treatment for a specific health condition, it is important to speak with a qualified healthcare provider to determine if it is appropriate for you. 

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